Shao Chin
2007-06-02 20:37:02 UTC
Hi, I'm trying to write an applicatoin that downloads a web page given a URL. I know there is an Indy component called TIdHTTP that can do this in two lines of code:
TFileStream *fs = new TFileStream(filename, fmCreate);
Which will download a page into a file. However, I can't find this component anywhere on the internet (all download sites are out of date). I'm running BC++ Builder 5.0 Professional. Does anyone how to do this in BC++ 5.0 without this Indy component?
TFileStream *fs = new TFileStream(filename, fmCreate);
Which will download a page into a file. However, I can't find this component anywhere on the internet (all download sites are out of date). I'm running BC++ Builder 5.0 Professional. Does anyone how to do this in BC++ 5.0 without this Indy component?